#! /bin/sh #---------------------------------------------------- #shell used to prepare container structure, this script #is called by the vzgot before any root pivot action. #It is used on the firstboot to prepare all needed file. # #---------------------------------------------------- #Syntaxe #vzgot.fistboot VE_name node domain ip_list [Base] # VE_name is the container dir name # Node is the container hostname # Domain is the container domainname # IP_LIST is an ip list (ip,ip1,ip2,..) used # to prepare container network # base_dir is this application root directory # (used for devel only). #---------------------------------------------------- CONTNAME=$1 NODE=$2 DOMAIN=$3 LSTIP=$4 BASE=$5 #---------------------------------------------------- if ! [ -f $BASE/etc/vzgot/vzgot_config ] ; then echo "Missing vzgot config file" exit 1 #trouble trouble fi . $BASE/etc/vzgot/vzgot_config #specific container configuration override (if needed) if [ -f $BASE/$VZLIB/vzdir/$CONTNAME/vzgot_config ] ; then $BASE/$VZLIB/vzdir/$CONTNAME/vzgot_config fi #---------------------------------------------------- VZROOT=$BASE/$VZLIB/vzdir/$CONTNAME/rootfs #==================================================== #procedure to implement redhat distribution file #---------------------------------------------------- #Prepare /etc/hosts file #---------------------------------------------------- HOSTS="$BASE/$VZLIB/vzdir/$CONTNAME/rootfs/etc/hosts" ( echo "#----------------------------------------------------" echo "#done by vzgot.fboot" echo "#----------------------------------------------------" echo -e "\tlocalhost.localdomain\tlocalhost" ) > $HOSTS if [ -n $LSTIP ] ; then ( echo -n `echo $LSTIP | tr ',' ' ' | cut -d' ' -f1` echo -e "\t$NODE.$DOMAIN\t\t$NODE" echo "#----------------------------------------------------" ) >> $HOSTS fi #---------------------------------------------------- #Prepare /etc/hostname #---------------------------------------------------- HST="$BASE/$VZLIB/vzdir/$CONTNAME/rootfs/etc/hostname" ( echo "$NODE.$DOMAIN" ) > $HST #---------------------------------------------------- #Prepare /etc/network/interface #---------------------------------------------------- #need directory to have /etc/init.d/networking to work mkdir -p $BASE/$VZLIB/vzdir/$CONTNAME/rootfs/var/run/network #defining interface INT="$BASE/$VZLIB/vzdir/$CONTNAME/rootfs/etc/network/interfaces" ( echo "# Used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8). See the interfaces(5) manpage or" echo "# /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples for more information." echo echo "auto lo" echo "iface lo inet loopback" ) > $INT if [ -n $LSTIP ] ; then ETH0=`echo $LSTIP | tr ',' ' ' | cut -d' ' -f1` ( echo echo "auto eth0" echo "iface eth0 inet static" echo "address $ETH0" echo "netmask" echo "up route add default dev eth0" ) >> $INT ETHX=`echo $LSTIP | tr ',' ' ' | cut -s -d' ' -f2-` aliasnum=1 for eth in $ETHX do ( echo "auto eth0:$aliasnum" echo "address $eth" echo "netmask" ) >> $INT let aliasnum=aliasnum+1 done fi #---------------------------------------------------- #Prepare /dev directoy contents #---------------------------------------------------- DEV="$VZROOT/dev" rm -fr $DEV mkdir -p $DEV mknod -m 666 $DEV/null c 1 3 mknod -m 666 $DEV/zero c 1 5 mknod -m 666 $DEV/random c 1 8 mknod -m 666 $DEV/urandom c 1 9 mkdir -m 755 $DEV/pts mkdir -m 1777 $DEV/shm mknod -m 666 $DEV/tty c 5 0 mknod -m 600 $DEV/console p mknod -m 666 $DEV/tty0 c 4 0 mknod -m 666 $DEV/full c 1 7 mknod -m 600 $DEV/initctl p mknod -m 666 $DEV/ptmx c 5 2 #---------------------------------------------------- #Prepare /dev directoy fstab #---------------------------------------------------- FSTAB="$VZROOT/etc/fstab" ( echo -e "/vzgot\t\t/\t\text3\tdefaults\t0 0" echo -e "proc\t\t/proc\t\tproc\tdefaults\t0 0" echo -e "sysfs\t\t/sys\t\tsysfs\tdefaults\t0 0" echo -e "devpts\t\t/dev/pts\t\tdevpts\tdefaults\t0 0" echo -e "tmpfs\t\t/dev/shm\t\ttmpfs\tdefaults\t0 0" ) > $FSTAB #==================================================== #starting common container configuration process ( cd $BASE/$VZLIB #---------------------------------------------------- #insert a common root password within the vz if [ -f etc/shadow ] ; then SHAD="$VZROOT/etc/shadow" sed 's/#.*//g' etc/shadow | grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' | \ while read -r LINE do NAME=`echo $LINE | cut -d':' -f1` (echo $LINE ; grep -v "^$NAME:" $SHAD) > $SHAD.new mv -f $SHAD.new $SHAD done chmod 440 $SHAD fi #setting the DNS resolver if [ -f etc/resolv.conf ] ; then cp -a etc/resolv.conf $VZROOT/etc fi #duplicating ssh Key if we want to have all container even. if [ -d etc/ssh ] ; then #removing the hack to make original KEY rm -fr $VZROOT/etc/rc2.d/S11sshhack rm -fr $VZROOT/etc/init.d/ssh_key_hack.sh for k in `ls etc/ssh/*key* 2> /dev/null` do cp -a $k $VZROOT/etc/ssh done fi #insert iptables script if [ -f etc/sysconfig/iptables ] ; then cp -a etc/sysconfig/iptables $VZROOT/etc/sysconfig fi #adding sudoer informations if [ -f etc/sudoers ] ; then cat etc/sudoers >> $VZROOT/etc/sudoers fi #adding snmpd.conf specific to ALL container if [ -d $VZROOT/etc/snmp/ ] && [ -f etc/snmp/snmpd.conf ] ; then cat etc/snmp/snmpd.conf>> $VZROOT/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf fi ) #end common container configuration process #==================================================== #lets create common users and groups ARCH=`cat $VZLIB/vzdir/$CONTNAME/arch` CHROOT="/usr/bin/setarch $ARCH /usr/sbin/chroot" $CHROOT $VZROOT mount -t proc proc /proc $CHROOT $VZROOT mount -t sysfs sysfs /sys #creating common group if [ -f $VZLIB/etc/groups ] ; then sed 's/#.*//g' $VZLIB/etc/groups | grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' | \ while read -r GRPNAME do $CHROOT $VZROOT groupadd $GRPNAME done fi #creating common users if [ -f $VZLIB/etc/users ] ; then sed 's/#.*//g' $VZLIB/etc/users | grep -v '^[[:space:]]*$' | \ while read -r NAME CRYPTED GRPNAME do if [ -d $VZLIB/home/$NAME ] ; then cp -a $VZLIB/home/$NAME $VZROOT/tmp SKEL="-k /tmp/$NAME" fi $CHROOT $VZROOT useradd -m $SKEL -p "$CRYPTED" -g $GRPNAME $NAME rm -fr $VZROOT/tmp/$NAME done fi #removing udev family auto start $CHROOT $VZROOT update-rc.d -f udev remove > /dev/null 2>&1 $CHROOT $VZROOT update-rc.d -f udev-finish remove > /dev/null 2>&1 $CHROOT $VZROOT umount /sys $CHROOT $VZROOT umount /proc #==================================================== exit 0